
Blogger に「脚注」を入れる方法

How to Make Footnotes in Blogger? ~ Tips for BloggersIn the New Blogger every post is actually an independant page by default. You can also put Footnotes in your post using HTML1 tags.

Have a look at the number '1' following the word 'HTML' in the previous line. It is placed above the line using the superscript tag like this :


Type the above code in Edit Html tab of Post Editor when creating your post and you will get the letters enclosed ( in this case - the number '1' ) above your line.

When the reader comes across such a superscript when reading a book he automatically looks at the bottom of the page for details on 'HTML'. In a web page this is done by converting '1' into an anchor link2 pointing to the foot of the page. To do this we use this code :

<a href='#HTML'>1</a>

Now the number is converted into a link. The full code is :

<a href='#HTML'><sup>1</sup></a>

The Last step is to provide a target for the link so that when the viewer clicks on '1' the page rolls down immediately to the Footnote at the bottom. At the bottom of your post type

<a name='HTML'>HTML</a>

Check this out by clicking on '1' at the top and the page will roll down immediately to the explanation at the bottom.

1 HTML : Hypertext Markup Language.

2 anchor link : A link which jumps directly to a specific point on a page, instead of letting the user scroll around to find what he/she is looking for.


ちゃんと表示された。説明文通りやると脚注部分に番号が表示されないので、<a name~~>の後に自分で番号を入れること。ちょっくらアカデミックな気分になるよ。

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要はHTMLコードを二つ覚えておくか、スティッキーに書き込んでおくだけで、簡単に脚注リンクが作れるわけ。本文中の脚注番号をクリックするとちゃんと該当の脚注に画面が移動します。AppleScript かなんかでコードの自動作成スクリプトを作ればさらに簡単だろうけれど、おいらには無理だな。